Wednesday, March 30, 2011

InfoGraphic page

description:Create an “info-graphic” poster that communicates at least two types of collected data in a way that is visually engaging and legible.

requirements: Record Everything! Collect and record data from everything that you personally encounter.


Infrographic by Michael Anderson

My Inforgraphic:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

make my Name insructions

First instructions are to cut the letter shape out from the middle of the paper template, so that the paper is completely intact after cutting. tool of choice would be ex-acto knife or razor etc. to trace the lines while cutting. After done so, you should have a template with negative space of letter on inside, and a cut out shape of the letter that can be traced.

L – place template on shirt, trace template and cut out the shape. Take picture with someone wearing the outfit.
O- place small candles of equal shape on the O shaped cutout from the template. Light candles and turn off the lights, take picture.
U- find a interesting place to place light behind cut out template to cast shadow. Make sure the shadow is in no way distorted, and is clear to make out.
I-in all white poker chip stack, place colored chips in shaped of “I” template, for best quality, make big  so it looks exactly like template.
S- take cut out shape of “S” and place on floor in your bathroom. use your eye to accurately place toilet paper in "S" shape on the floor in interesting composition.

C- take template and place on top of snow. Very carefully dig out shape of template with small spoon until perfect C shape is seen. Take picture.
R- use thumbtacks to pin up template and a composition of whatever paper onto wall. With a lot more thumbtacks, pin negative space of template until its filled, remove the template and take picture.
U- put your template on chess board, and fill space with pawns until “U” shape is complete, remove template and take picture with other chess pieces around object
S- in the bathtub, place template for "S" shape in tub and use shower gel soap to fill in shape. quickly take picture before soap drips out of proportion.
E- use template to get a good hold of the proportions of the shape. cut "E" shape out of paper plate, and assemble food on plate in manner which E can still be seen.